Yeni Yol Okulları Farkımız


To continue to be remembered with "FIRSTS" in every field as a school that deserves the slogan IF YOU ARE DIFFERENT, YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND YOU ARE DIFFERENT, which we used when we laid the foundation of Yeni Yol Educational Institutions.

To be a school that is not satisfied with the academic achievements of its students at home, but also with the number of students it sends to many universities abroad, as well as to raise young people who receive awards in sports and artistic fields and make their names known in our country. Not to make our students feel the need to attend another course or take private lessons academically. To discover the talents of our students in the field of sports and arts and enable them to develop themselves in this field. To turn every point of our campus into an educational area as an educational community that learns to learn, thinks original and free, and does not limit their dreams.

To continue to be one of the leading schools in our city as an innovative, rational, principled, sincere and responsible institution that emphasizes the concept of school culture in the education process.


With the awareness that education and training are a whole, our school, which aims to raise our students as world citizens in a contemporary line shown by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, is not only an institution that prepares students for higher education, but also an educational home that aims to provide them with the equipment they will need in life after higher education.

Our mission is to ensure that our students internalize universal human values while embracing their own culture and being open-minded towards other cultures. To carry the elements that form the basis of our corporate identity, such as being one step ahead of everyone else, working in a programmatic manner and creating a harmonious team, into the future.

To raise young people who are respectful of cultural differences, free-thinking, inquisitive, inquisitive, curious, innovative, creative, have a high level of awareness, have intercultural understanding, are sensitive to the environment and society, are self-confident, have the will and ability to solve the problems they may face, and have vision. To enable these young people to lead their environment as exemplary citizens in the society they live in. To develop an appropriate approach to international education programs in our school and to integrate these programs into our own understanding and our own education system. To work long-term with a teaching staff who always need to learn as an active participant in the learning environment, who are committed to their students, have a developed sense of belonging and add value to the institution.

To be a school where everyone wants to be a student, to be a school that does not lose the unity of the student-teacher-institution even after graduation and keeping the spirit of Yeni Yol Schools alive. To have students who use their mother tongue and at least one foreign language effectively in their daily lives. With the foresight that taking individual differences into account in the planning of the learning process will increase success, it is one of our main goals to recognize our students as individuals with social, cultural and sports activities, not only to transfer knowledge in our education, in order to ensure that our students express themselves by valuing their personalities and caring about their thoughts.



Eğitimdeki temel amacımız, çocuklarımızın kendi yeteneklerinin farkına varmasını sağlamak ve onlarda var olan bu cevheri özenle işlemektir. Çünkü her birimiz biliriz ki dünyayı güzelleştirmek istiyorsak buna bireylere doğru eğitim vererek başlayabiliriz.


Türk Dili Edebiyatı Öğretmeni - Kurucu

Bir insanın zekası verdiği cevaplardan değil, sorduğu sorulardan anlaşılır, demiştir Albert Einstein. Biz de okulumuzda böyle sorular soran, yaşamı her yönüyle sorgulayan açık görüşlü ve ilkeli gençler yetiştirmek istiyoruz.


Fizik Öğretmeni - Kurucu


After years of teaching, crowning our institution with a campus that will carry our city into the future has been a source of pride for our founders, Physics Teacher Yiğit Şentürk and Turkish Language and Literature Teacher Mehmet Otan.

The biggest difference between our founders and the administrators of other campus schools is their teaching careers of more than 25 years and the fact that they are still actively attending classes at our school. Our founders, who attend classes intensively, keep the pulse of our students one-on-one, hear their expectations first-hand and work solution-oriented without wasting any time.

From the point of view of our founders, being a founder, teacher and parent in a school and being able to look at education and training from these three perspectives gives us a great advantage in the functioning of our school. Our founders, who continue on their way with this advantage, have started to lay the stones of "THE ROAD TO SUCCESS" with the slogan of "INSPIRING CAMPUS" by saving Yeni Yol Schools, which they started to build with the slogan of "INSPIRING CAMPUS", from the mediocrity in the education system and moving it beyond being an institution that only teaches lessons, with workshops that prepare our children for life as well as school requirements, education systems that provide our students with opportunities to study abroad, cultural and sports activities carried out in order to raise world people.




Yeni Yol