Yeni Yol Okulları Anaokulu


From 36 months onwards, we adopt an inquiry-based program based on supporting the social and emotional development of our children so that they can become inquiring, thinking and sensitive citizens of the world.

We do not stick to one of the preschool education programs such as Montessori, Regio Emilia, High Scope and multiple intelligence approaches, taking into account the development and age characteristics of children, we integrate the aspects of these approaches that are suitable for our goals into our culture by adapting them to the MEB preschool education program, thus shaping our education program according to the holistic approach. Our kindergarten has been authorized as an IB-PYP World School with the official approval from the International Baccalaureate Organization. The Primary Years Program (PYP) is a globally recognized and respected program for the education of children aged 3 - 12, which can only be implemented by approved schools.

Our school, which directs education with the mission of "More than Success", aims to raise individuals who learn how to learn, who aim to build a more peaceful world, who are inquisitive, sensitive, conscious, tolerant, self-confident, adopt lifelong learning and think critically with IB's international inquiry-based education programs as well as the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education.


Our International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IBPYP) authorization process, which started with a preliminary visit in April 2020-2021 Academic Year, has been successfully concluded as of November 2021.

  • The IB PYP (International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program) education model focuses on the holistic development of the individual, based on the idea that the child continues to learn not only in the classroom but also in different environments in the outside world. The child's academic, social, cultural and emotional needs are addressed together, and it is aimed that the child learns with the principle of continuous development.
  • In our preschool education program, the influence of family and community on education is important, and parents are actively involved in education.

Our lessons, which are based on the philosophy of inquiry, are held in classrooms or in the spaces required by the course (social and cultural areas, laboratories, workshops, activity kitchens, animal farms, agricultural areas, parks, gardens, indoor and outdoor playgrounds and sports fields, museums) with the understanding of learning by doing and living.

  • Activities implemented by our Preschool Teachers: Turkish Language Activity, Literacy Activities, Educational Games, Sound Education, Music, Mathematics Activity, Concept and Creative Activities, Visual Arts, Project Activities, Attention and Perception Activities, Kitchen Activity, Science and Nature Activities.



  • 3 Age: 6 hour
    (2 hours with our Native Speaker teacher.)
  • 4 Age: 8 hour
    (2 hours with our Native Speaker teacher.)
  • 5 Age: 10 hour
    (2 hours with our Native Speaker teacher.)


Music studies in preschool period help children's mental, physical and spiritual development.

Music lessons are based on understanding the interests, abilities and predispositions of our students with main topics such as rhythm and melody development, body percussion, instrument introductions, song teaching.

Anaokulu Müzik
Anaokulu Yaratıcı Drama


In our creative drama classes with our pre-school students, we use techniques such as improvisation and role-playing through games, stories and fairy tales. In this way, our students can develop their imagination, creative thinking and communication skills. Our students also have the opportunity to develop different perspectives, acquire empathic skills and successfully continue their social development through creative drama.


With chess education, we aim to support the development of our children's minds by increasing their attention span.

In accordance with their age, our students learn the stones, the names of the stones, the arrangement of the stones, how they move, the rules of the game in the next stage, the movement patterns of the figures and simple moves.

Anaokulu Satranç
Anaokulu Beden Eğitimi ve Spor


Çocukların beden sağlığı ve becerilerinin gelişimi hedef alınır.

Öğrencilerimizin gelişim özellikleri göz önünde tutularak, sportif etkinliklerle eğlenceli vakit geçirirken aynı zamanda temel motor gelişimi ve sosyal gelişimini güçlendirme, yardımlaşma ve sorumluluk alma, grupla birlikte hareket etme, iç disiplin kazanma, özgüven gelişimi ve sosyalleşme gibi alanları desteklenmektedir.


Kodlamayla mekaniğin birleştirilmesiyle oluşan bir eğitimdir.

STEM eğitimi, temelde tasarım ve mühendislik alanında çocukları üretime yönlendirir. Ürün ortaya koymalarını sağlayarak motivasyonu artırır.

modüler halde hazırlanmış StemBox setlerini yıl boyu eğitim programımıza dahil ediyoruz. Çocukların, 21.yüzyıl yetkinliklerini kazanmalarına ve karşılaştıkları problemleri çözmek için yeni bakış açıları geliştirmelerine destek oluyoruz.

Anaokulu Robotik Kodlama
Anaokulu Felsefe


We set out on this journey to show the importance of expressing their thoughts freely and courageously and to encourage them to do so, so that they can shape their future.

We try to get them to be critical and creative, of course by having fun, without boring them, without forcing them...

By talking together about a story, movie or picture shared with them, children learn to find answers to their questions or ask new questions, to share their ideas freely, to listen to their friends, to be attentive when challenging their ideas, or to agree with their ideas and develop them collaboratively.

Our students are monitored developmentally by teachers and psychologists and the information is filed. These files are forwarded to the school administration when our students move to primary school.


In order to support social emotional development, which is very important in the preschool period, our school has a psychologist who works in cooperation with our teachers and parents. Within the scope of the psychologist's work plan, individual meetings are held with each parent at least once a semester with the participation of the psychologist and the class teacher.

These interviews take place on a date determined jointly by the class teacher and the parents. In addition to individual interviews with students, the psychologist also conducts classroom observations and various inventory and test applications. They organize activities in the classrooms according to the needs of the classroom dynamics. All of these activities aim to support the child's social emotional development, language development and cognitive development. It aims to identify and solve the problems that the child may experience in later age groups or that are currently encountered. In line with these goals, it organizes parent meetings and tries to guide parents in cooperation. In addition, it prepares monthly bulletins to raise awareness of families on various issues including the needs of preschool children and delivers them to families. In April and May of each year, the School Readiness Inventory is administered to 5-year-old students who will be in 1st grade next year and their families are informed.


We organize trips to the nearby environment with the permission of our parents in order to enable children to gain experience by doing and experiencing life and their environment, to get to know and examine the world they live in closely and to support their social-emotional skills.


Nutrition Friendly School Project

This project aims to improve school health by raising awareness on healthy nutrition and active life and supporting the practices in this regard.

Tiny Tema Project

It is a nature education project that raises children's awareness on soil, erosion and nature issues and offers them the chance to meet with nature.

Values Education Project

The main purpose of education is to teach children the importance of universal values at an early age. Basic principles taught in values education;

My Dear Turkey Project

First, it is a project that aims to enable them to recognize the name of our country, its flag, its characteristics, how many regions it consists of and the names and characteristics of the regions through active learning.

Recognizing Different Cultures Project

It is a project that offers the opportunity to get to know different cultures by learning the characteristics of different countries and continents and comparing their similarities and differences with our country.

Those Who Left Their Mark on Our History Project

It is a project to recognize important personalities who contributed to our Turkish history and to instill in our children their importance and value in our lives.

Important Personalities in the Field of Art and Science from Past to Present and Their Works Project

This project aims to stimulate children's imagination and sense of curiosity by introducing the art, works, books and inventions of famous people who left their mark on our world.

Using My Creativity, Making My Own Design Project

It aims to develop children's creativity, to make them more inventive and original in associating objects and to support problem solving skills.

I Found It Project
Don't Crack My Egg Project (Responsibility)

It is a project for children to carry their eggs from home to school and from school to home for a week without breaking them.

Separate and Accumulate Project (Recycling)

It is a project organized to separate and collect wastes, recycle them and raise awareness by spreading the recycling culture in the society in order to leave a livable environment for future generations.

Vocabulary Development Project

It is a project that enables children to expand their vocabulary by giving the real meaning of the relevant word after their curiosity about the words is aroused in their minds.

I Learn Idioms Project

Learning idioms is the most important indicator of the richness of Turkish and Turkish culture. In this direction, we learn our idioms by visualizing and illustrating them.

Book Hospital Project

By examining our books in our school library, we aim to teach our children the importance of books by separating the books that are worn out, taking care of them by hand and renewing our books.

Waste Battery Collection Project

We contribute to this project by collecting waste batteries in our school to instill environmental awareness in our children, who are our future.

Bookworm Project

It is a project that aims to help children acquire the habit of reading books by adding them to the caterpillar's tail after evaluating the books read in the classroom environment.

Fun Knowledge for Every Day Project

It is a project to support children's education and develop their sense of curiosity.

We Met, Had Fun, Learned and Reached 100th Day Project

Children are set the goal of coming to school for 100 days from the day they start school. It is a project that aims to achieve gains such as recognizing numbers, rhythmic counting, and following patterns.

Sharing My Toy Project

Toy day facilitates the child's adaptation to school and at the same time, this activity helps to develop the ability to share, to follow a job, to protect their own belongings and to help our children gain responsibility.

Tiny Chefs Project

Kitchen activities contribute to the development of children's attention, planning skills, math perception, creativity and manual dexterity.

Doing the Experience (Gems Education Approach)

Great exciting and effective science and math activities in science and math. It is a project in which children present the experiment they have researched and found with their families to their peers in the classroom environment with their own presentations.

Sounds of the Alphabet Project

To prepare the child for the primary school period in the right way, to create vocal awareness in this period by practicing the correct pronunciation of their voices.

Primary School Adaptation Project

Our aim in our primary school adaptation program is to support our students to reach school maturity and to support their adaptation process to primary school. The adaptation process will be supported by getting to know the teachers and all staff by doing activities in different classrooms and workshops in the primary school environment.v

My Family at My School Project

In our kindergarten education program, the important influence of family and community on education is taken into consideration and the active participation of parents in education supports the development of children in many ways. Parents are invited to the school to share their experiences with activities they choose (introducing their own profession, introducing an instrument, experiment, reading a storybook, etc.).

Every child is as special as a fingerprint.



Yeni Yol